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This page is for Adult Education providers in the state of Indiana who would like to refer English Language Learners to the MCCSC Adult Education – Indiana Online Only (IOO) program.  


Students should not use this page to register for classes.

IF your program does not want credit for the student, the student may register on their own using this registration link.

IF your program would like to dual enroll and share credit, follow the IOO Process below.


IOO Process

  1. The local/home adult education program should ask the student to register using the local adult education registration process.
  2. The local/home adult education program should administer the TABE-CLAS-E reading and language pre-test.
  3. An adult education staff member from the referring/home program should fill out the form below.  It asks for the following information:
    • Class Preference
    • Referring Staff Member Name and Contact Information
    • Referring Program
    • Student Name and Contact Information
  4. After completing this referral form, the adult education staff member from the home program should email the following documents to Christopher Harmon (, Director of MCCSC Adult Education, so that the application can be processed.
    • Student Registration Form (including Social Security Number when possible)
    •  InTERS Student Identification Number
    • TABE CLAS-E pre-test results for Reading and Listening
  5. After receiving those documents, MCCSC Adult Education will review the test scores. Then, a MCCSC employee will contact the student to discuss class offerings and to make sure they are set to begin.
  6. The MCCSC data specialist will reach out to the InTERS team to have our InTERS records combined for the IOO student.
  7. MCCSC staff will enter attendance records while the student attends class.
  8. The local/home program will continue to check in with the IOO student to accumulate at least 12 hours.  If the home program does not accumulate 12 hours of direct contact with the student, the student will not count for the program.
  9. MCCSC staff will reach out to the home program when it is time to post test the IOO student.
  10. The local/home program will administer the post test.


Click here to register a student for IOO.

How do I "get credit" for my student?

Both your local adult education program and the MCCSC adult education program can get enrollment and performance credit for the student participating in Indiana Online Only (IOO). Here’s how:

You must have at least 12 hours of direct contact with the student in order for your program to get credit. This can be accomplished in many ways. Here are a few examples of how you can gain 12 hours of attendance with your IOO students:

  • Enter attendance for pre and post tests
  • Check in with the student on the phone and/or via videoconference.
  • Invite your student to attend a presentation taking place at your local site
  • Join the IOO class and meet with your student to provide individualized instruction